Stories From Women Who Walk

60 Seconds for Wednesdays on Whidbey: How Does it Feel to Vibrate in Tune With Stillness?

Episode Summary

How does it feel to stop, be still, vibrate in turn with creation?

Episode Notes

Hello to you listening in Fidalgo Island, Washington!

Coming to you from Whidbey Island, Washington this is Stories From Women Who Walk with 60 Seconds for Wednesdays on Whidbey and your host, Diane Wyzga.

There is nothing quite so still as an old growth forest. I know the forest and it knows me. When I walk there the stillness deep in the woods beckons me to stop and listen deeply. Be still. Be silent. I’m not lost here; the forest knows where I am. The forest stillness enfolds me with the immense power and depth of its silence. Here all sounds arise from silence and fade back into silence.

When we take the time to stop and experience silence we calm our mind, still the crazy chatter, breathe more easily. Stay here as long as you can. Allow silence. Tune in to your intuition, see clearly, resonate with your heartbeat, feel the blood coursing in your fingertips, and sense the steadiness of your breath coming and going easily. Know that you are alive and connected to all beings.

Question: How does it feel to commune with all of creation, with the Universe? How does it feel to be alive, vibrant, in tune with stillness?   

You’re invited: “Come for the stories - stay for the magic!” Speaking of magic, I hope you’ll subscribe, share a nice shout out on your social media or podcast channel of choice, and join us next time! Remember to stop by the website, check out the Services, arrange a Discovery Call, and Opt In to stay current with Diane and Quarter Moon Story Arts and on LinkedIn.  

Stories From Women Who Walk Production Team

Podcaster: Diane F Wyzga & Quarter Moon Story Arts

Music: Mer’s Waltz from Crossing the Waters by Steve Schuch & Night Heron Music

All content and image © 2019 to Present: for credit & attribution Quarter Moon Story Arts