Stories From Women Who Walk

The Gift in Her Grief: Jane Duncan Rogers Founded "Before I Go Solutions" to Help the Rest of Us Grieve Less. Part 1.

Episode Summary

3 years following the death of her husband Phillip, Jane Duncan Rogers published Gifted By Grief which led to her founding Before I Go Solutions. Join us to learn about the absolutely vital end-of-life planning work that she and her team are spreading around the world! Part 1.

Episode Notes

Coming to you from Whidbey Island, Washington this is Stories From Women Who Walk. You’ll recognize yourself in these true-life stories from women who are walking their lives while their lives walk them and the lasting difference these journeys have made. I’m your host, Diane Wyzga.

Today my guest is Jane Duncan Rogers, founder and Chief Officer of Before I Go Solutions and Before I Go Academy who’s joining us from North Scotland. Like many of us who were walking their lives until Life walked them, Jane enjoyed a successful career in retailing, trained with the wonderful Louise Hay, offered You Can Heal Your Life study groups, became an award-winning psychotherapist before finding herself face-to-face with Death at the age of 54 when her  husband, Phillip, died. Three years later Jane published a book called Gifted By Grief. Where is the gift in grief? I’ve invited Jane to talk with us about the absolutely vital end-of-life planning work that she and her team are spreading around the world. Welcome to the podcast, Jane!    

Minutes 29:15

00 to 2:00     Intro

2:00 to 5:15     Start From Where You Are

One fine day I will get to Scotland to spend time hiking and trekking. If I met up with you on one of your favorite walks, what’s the first thing I’d notice about you?  

And if we had some time to walk along together what might I get to know about you?

When we parted ways what would I remember about walking with you?

5:15 to 7:50     Professional Life Experiences Unexpectedly Set Stage for Current Role

We all have a back story. Before we get to the very BIG story of Before I Go Solutions, I have a question: Those who have listened to your TEDx talk or heard your recent interview with Tara Nash on her Conscious Grief series might be aware of what started you on the road to Before I Go Solutions. Before we get to that story I’d like to know a bit about your own growth and learning and how it prepared for your current work:

7:50 to 12:15     Preparing for the Expected

Which brings us nicely to the next chapter. You’ve written and spoken that because of questions your husband Phillip answered in his last year you were prepared for some things, but not all things. Would you share with us a bit of the story about the unexpected diagnosis and preparation for end-of-life; in particular, what you didn’t know about, what you had to decide, both alone and together.

12:15 to 17:00     The Effect of Grief on Loved Ones Who Are Unprepared

Host finds the story remarkable that a friend sent the triggering email. How did that come to be?

17:00 to  19:50     Avoiding Unnecessary Costs

19:50 to 22:45     First Book: Gifted by Grief

How did your first book, Gifted by Grief come about? What prompted you to write this book some 3 years after Phillip’s death and what might be the gift in grief?

22:45 to 25:40     What Followed Gifted by Grief

25:40 to 29:15     Frustrations, Challenges and Return Next Week for Part 2   

Host: You have so beautifully articulated the path through the woods about how something comes into being and doing wonderful work in the world growing out of one’s own sadness, grief, loss but Life and Jane in concert made this happen. When you follow what you are really truly meant to be doing here. I’m curious: You said you knew you were on the right path because of the resounding “Yes!” as you kept checking in; but what might have been some of the frustrations and challenges as you were putting all this together?

Here we are, at the end of the road but not the journey. Thank you for listening to Part 1 of this episode of Stories From Women Who Walk with your host Diane Wyzga and my guest Jane Duncan Rogers, the founder and Chief Officer of Before I Go Solutions and Before I Go Academy who joined us from North Scotland.  We hope you enjoyed and are motivated by our end-of-life planning conversation. We’ll be back in a week with Part 2.

You’re also invited to check out over 375 episodes of this podcast Stories From Women Who Walk found on Simplecast, your favorite podcast platform, including Android and my website: Quarter Moon Story Arts. This is the place to thrive together. Come for the stories - stay for the magic. Speaking of magic, I hope you’ll subscribe, follow, share a nice shout out on your social media or podcast channel of choice, and join us next time! You will have wonderful company as we walk our lives together.



Who am I?

Jane Duncan Rogers, founder of Before I Go Solutions and the B.I.G. Academy.

When my husband Philip died, I never for one moment imagined  I would end up working in this field.

I had been an award-winning counselor and coach for over 25 years, having originally trained personally with the famous Louise L. Hay in 1990, working in the personal growth field in many different aspects. I'd  published books and tapes (well before the internet) and was helping small business owners to reach their full potential when Philip died.

Because of the questions he had answered in his last year, I was well prepared in some respects for the admin side of things afterwards. But there was much more we simply did not know about.

Fast forward to 2018, a year during which both my parents died.  They had completed a comprehensive end-of-life plan each, the one that Before I Go Solutions offers, now known as the Before I Go Method®.

This was very different to my husband who had answered some things, but there was a lot more that I simply had to decide about myself.

And that difference was huge – as my parents' executor, I simply had to follow all their thoughtful instructions.

What’s more, it was easy to find everything, and I took great solace from knowing I was carrying out what they wanted (and that they had known I would do this).

My three siblings and I had no arguments at all, over what was a pretty stressful period (they both died unexpectedly within the same week).

I am so incredibly grateful and appreciative for the organisation they had so carefully thought through.

So I know from personal experience how hugely important this preparation work is, and I want to help you to help others do this too!

Jane’s background of 25 years in the psychotherapeutic and training fields has been perfect for the not-for-profit - Before I Go Solutions - she founded and helps to operate. Together with her team of trained End of Life Facilitators, she provides products and programmes to help people complete their end-of-life plans, something about which many have good intentions but never quite actually get around to doing.

Jane lives in the North of Scotland, re-married during COVID lock-down, and she and her new husband are building not only a new life but a new eco-house/home together.  

How to Stay in Touch With Jane Duncan Rogers 

Jane Duncan Rogers

Chief Officer Before I Go Solutions CIC,

- Author of: Before I Go: The Essential Guide to Creating A Good End of Life Plan and Gifted By Grief

- Speaker on TedX talk: How to Do A Good Death

- Training in End of Life Plan Facilitation:

- Facebook: End-of-Life Conversations Group:

- Twitter:

- Linked In:


Production Team: Quarter Moon Story Arts

Music: Entering Erdenheim from Crossing the Waters by Steve Schuch & Night Heron Music

Sound Editing: Dawin Carlisle & First Class Reels

All content and image © 2019 - Present: for credit and attribution Quarter Moon Story Arts